Walkthrough video 📌

Date & Version
Product - Point of Contact (POC)
Design POC
Tech POC
Marketing POC

Why? (Objective)

  1. For business.
  2. For users.

How do we measure success?

  1. Associated OKR/Goal
  2. Success Metrics
  3. Guardrail/Do not disturb metrics (These metrics shouldn’t be negatively affected)

<aside> 💡 Learn how to decide the metrics for a feature here.


Who are the users:

  1. Persona
  2. Problems we are solving [Needs, Problems, Jobs to be done]
  3. How do we know these problems exist (research)

<aside> 💡 Understanding your customers with Jobs to be done and 5 Whys



  1. Brief of the solution.
  2. Other alternatives are considered with prioritization metrics.